Selasa, 28 April 2020

Alternative Format Services

Wawan Setiawan Tirta

Alternative Format Services

Operations Manual

Version 2.0

February 2006

Table of Contents

Standard Operating Procedures
•    Start up
•    Clocking In
•    Timesheets
•    Courier run
•    About Hardcopies
•    Finishing for the Day

Term Preparation

TAP Database

Basic Editing Procedures   
•    Introduction   
•    Book Cutting and Scanning Directions   
•    Naming Conventions   
•    Before Editing   
•    Page Setup   
•    Page Numbering
•    Chapter/Section Headings
•    Other Headings
•    First-Line Indentations
•    Sidenotes   
•    Footnotes
•    Figures   
•    Tables   
•    Theorems, Equations   
•    All Block-Level Elements
•    Soft Hyphens
•    Foreign-Language Characters
•    Non-WinTriangle Screen Reader Procedures   
•    After Editing is Done, Miscellaneous   

Plain Text Editing Procedures
•    Cover Sheet   
•    Table of Contents   
•    Introduction
•    Format Structure   
•    Editing a Plain Text Document
o    Page numbering
o    Headings
o    First-line indentation   
o    Parenthesis spacing
o    Footnote referencing
o    Symbol translation
o    Superscript/subscript   
o    Mathematical operators
o    Roman numerals
o    Quotation/apostrophe replacement
o    Block shortcuts   
o    Block quotes
o    Unrecognized Symbols
•    Finishing a Plain Text Document

Plain Text Editing for Foreign Languages
•    Introduction
•    General Editing Techniques
o    Scanning
o    Editing
    Auto Correct
    Spell Checking
•    Language Specific Editing Techniques
o    French
o    German
Triangle Editing ProceduresContent    Page Number
•    Cover Sheet   
•    Table of Contents   
•    Introduction
•    Getting Started   
•    Superscripts and Subscripts
•    Fractions and Parenthesis
•    Over-scripts and Under-scripts   
•    Vectors
•    Limits Positioning (Integrals, Summation, Etc.)
•    Limit Expressions   
•    Equations
•    Matrices and Determinants   
•    Extra/Unrecognized Symbols   
•    Tables   
•    Finishing a Document   
•    Appendix 1
o    Shortcuts for Commonly-Used Symbols   
•    Appendix 2
o    Block Shortcuts
o    Triangle Symbols
o    Embedded Superscripts and Subscripts   
•    Sample Document   

MathType Editing ProceduresContent
•    Table of Contents
•    Introduction
•    Getting Started
•    Using MathType
•    MathType Do’s and Don’ts
•    Additional Help
•    Global Replacement
•    Shortcuts in MathType
•    Appendix A
•    Appendix B

•    Duxbury
•    Nemeth


Insert updated draft here


Cross Training
Insert rough draft here

Daisy Editing Procedures
•    Table of Contents
•    Introduction
•    Overview of the Process   
•    Chapter-at-a-Time Editing/Preparation   
•    Stage 1 – Editing and Preparing for DAISY Conversion   
•    Original Textbooks & Other Hardcopy Materials   
•    Save as Plain Text   
•    Edit the Plain Text   
•    Final Edit and Save
•    Alternative 1: Prep for “Using Dolphin Producer with EasePublisher”   
•    Alternative 2: Prep for “Using Only EasePublisher”   
•    File Formats from Publishers   
•    MS Word Formats (*.rtf, *.doc)
•    Adobe PDF   
•    Legacy (Previously Edited) E-Text (*.txt, *.rtf, *.doc)   
•    Prepare the Legacy Text for DAISY Conversion   
•    Final Edit and Save   
•    Alternative 1: Prep for “Using Dolphin Producer with EasePublisher”   
•    Alternative 2: Prep for “Using Only EasePublisher”   
•    Stage 2 – Generating a DAISY DTB   
•    Using Dolphin Producer with EasePublisher   
•    The Dolphin Producer Toolbar   
•    Making sure your Producer settings are correct   
•    Generate the DTB   
•    Open the DAISY Book in EasePublisher   
•    Build the Project   
•    Using Only EasePublisher   
•    Create new DAISY project in EasePublisher   
•    Markup the DAISY book in EasePublisher   
•    TTS Encode   
•    Build the Project   
•    Stage 3 – Assembling Chapters into a Complete Book   
•    Build the Project   
•    Resolving Errors   

Standard Operating Procedures
for the Alternative Format Services

Table of contents
•    Start up
•    Clocking In
•    Timesheets
•    Courier run
•    About Hardcopies
•    Finishing for the Day

Standard Operating Procedures for the Alternative Format Services
Alternative Format Services (AFS) is a component of Technology Access Program (TAP) of Oregon State University. We work in conjunction with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) to provide equal access through technology to students with disabilities.

The materials that we receive are textbooks, articles, syllabi, handouts, class notes, quizzes, tests, and any other material needed by the student for a particular course. Upon receipt of the material, we convert it into electronic formats such as RTF, PDF, DOC, CDs, DVDs or other alternative formats, including Braille, as requested.
Follow these procedures at the beginning of the workday:
1.    Check your email before coming to work, if possible, and respond to messages as necessary. If you are not able to access email prior to your arrival to work, make sure you check it prior to beginning your assigned tasks. Emails are an official form of communication and you must reply promptly to them when a reply is indicated.
2.    We use an OSU email list to communicate with the AFS group internally. The email address is 
3.    Please enter the office through the staff entrance doors, room 114. If these doors are locked, you may enter through the front entrance of the Media Services, Kidder 109.
4.    You may work a maximum of eight hours a day for up to 20 hours a week during the term and up to 40 hours a week during the break. You cannot work more than eight hours a day at any time.
5.    You may take a 10-minute break for every two hours of continuous work. Please inform a team leader when you take a break. If you need to leave the office for more than 10 minutes, you will need to clock out.
6.    If you are not able to attend your assigned slot, please make sure to inform us as far in advance as possible. When notice is short, call the office, 541.737.9272, and speak with a team leader to let them know you will miss your slot. As soon as possible, send a follow up email to and copy, indicating the reason for your absence. Make up of missed time will only be allowed when these procedures have been followed.
7.    Store your belongings under the bookbinding cutter and hang all coats on the coat tree. Our space is limited and it is very important that we keep all walkways clear.
Clocking in
1.    You may clock in and out at any of the computers in the office.
2.    The time clock address is: .
3.    Click “Time Clock” and enter your Student Identification Number,
4.    Click the Alternative Format Services radio button and press enter. A page will be displayed with the time that you have clocked in (or out) and the total number of hours that you have worked during that day/week.
5.    If you forgot to clock in/out you can have corrections made by sending a request, from the time clock program, to the supervisor. Follow these steps to send in a request:
a.    Click on “Student Home”
b.    Click on “View or change your time clock records”
c.    Enter your Student ID number and Click “View Records”
d.    Select appropriate date and click “Change or Delete”
e.    Enter the corrections; and the reason for the request.
f.    Click “Make request” and you are done.
6.    The supervisor will contact you if they have any questions.
Timesheets are due at the end of your shift on the 15th of every month. The following steps are to be used to create a timesheet from the time clock program:
1.    Click on “Create Timesheet”
2.    Enter your Student ID number
3.    Select the time period
4.    Click “Create Report”
5.    Print out a copy in landscape mode,
6.    Sign it
7.    Turn it in to your supervisor.

Courier Runs
•    The courier run is twice a day.
•    We, AFS, will deliver and pick up materials for Alternative Format Services (AFS) and Caption from SSD, Sea Grant and other offices on campus as needed.
o    Be sure and verbally check with the Caption section prior to departing on the courier run.
•    The courier runs are at 11 am and 2 pm.
•    AFS is responsible for the 11 am courier run
•    The 2 pm courier run is handled by Caption
•    The drop off and pick up box is located behind the front desk at the SSD office.
•    Please make sure you take the Courier ID badge when you do the run. It is located on the wall by the clock.

About Hardcopies:
Hardcopies are the actual pages of the material being converted as opposed to the softcopies, which are the electronic versions of the material.
•    It is important that each person take only the section on which they are working and not the entire chapter. For example, if you are assigned section 2.3 from Math 341, do not take all of chapter 2.
•    Handouts and class notes are never to be kept in your personal folder.
•    When you are finished editing for the day, be sure to place the hardcopy back into the appropriate folder and in the correct order.
Finishing up for the day
 When you are finished working for the day, you must:
1.    Log out of the database
2.    Clock out.
3.    Log off the computer
4.    Wipe down the keyboard, mouse, and work area with a disinfectant wipe.

Preparations for the Term

Version 1.0

Preparations for the term

Folders on Alternative Format Services server:
•    Create the folder for the term on Alternative Format Services server
•    Create subfolders for each student
•    Create excel tracking sheets:
    One for each student’s handouts, homework, etc.
    One for files sent and when
    One for textbook log
    One for teacher/student contact list
•    In the subfolders for the students, create folders for the courses the student is taking for that term.

•    Make a copy of all the emails received from the Student/SSD/AFS Supervisor and place them in a folder (for that student) in the top drawer of the brown file cabinet.

After receiving the books/material from SSD:
o    Log it into the textbook log excel sheet
    Textbook log: tells us the date we received the book, from where, author, ISBN, requested format, and any comments
o    Create the folders in Alternative Format Services (>Student #>Course) for the book (Corrected, completed, rtf, etc.).   

Book cutting
Once the authorization to cut the books is obtained, cut them following the guidelines and common safety precautions.
o    Pay attention throughout the entire process.
o    Place the material behind the cutting blade with the spine of the book facing you and the edge of the book resting against the grate.
o    Lift the cutter arm up and out of the way.
o    Using the wheel on top of the book cutter, lift the pressbar by turning the wheel counterclockwise until there is enough clearance for the book.
o    Move the book into place using the handle on the front of the book cutter.
o    Do not place fingers under the shield or near the blade of the book cutter.
o    Crank the handle clockwise to move the book forward into position.
o    Once the spine of the book is in the middle of the red tape (the dip in the cover where the spine meets the rest of the book is the perfect place to position for the cut.) stop cranking the handle.
o    Next you will grasp the wheel on top of the cutter and turn it clockwise until the book is secured. (Turn the wheel until it cannot be turned any further.)
o    After securing the book, grasp the cutter handle and bring it down completely.
o    Now the spine of the book will be lying in front of the cutting blade and the rest of the book will be behind it.
o    Pick up the book from the rear of the cutter.
o    Follow current guidelines for preparing the material for conversion.

•    What to do with the hardcopy
o    Make labels for the shelf and the folder. If possible, try to make sure that one student gets the same color folder for all of his/her classes for the term
o    Enter the book into the database
o    Make a copy of the table of contents to put in the table of contents binder
o    Separate the book into sections
o    Have one person scan the entire book
o    The scanned files go into the respective RTF folders.
•    Start assigning the book

After Receiving the Student’s Schedule
o    Clear the top row of the hardcopy shelf
o    Make a teacher/student contact list (or copy/paste info from current term into next term excel sheets.) to determine who is teaching the course:
o    Look for the course in the course catalog and look to see if a professor is listed
o    Do a search for that course on the OSU website
o    Search the specific department homepage; there is often information about what courses are offered the following term and who’s teaching it
o    Get their information from the online directory
o    Look for previous syllabi (or current syllabi if available) for those classes
•    On the internet (OSU website)
•    If the teachers are known, look for the teacher in the appropriate departmentusually the website is listed when you click on the teachers name
•    If the teacher is not known, then look for the course itself.  This can usually be found on the department homepage under “Courses”
    Enter dates the sections/chapters are due into the File Status/File Sent Excel sheet
o    Determine what textbooks are needed for that course (some courses list multiple books on the syllabus but all of them are not required)
    Contact SSD to find out if the books are available.
    Go to the bookstore website and enter in the courses to find out what books are needed
    Determine if there are handouts or class notes that will be needed for the course(s).  Enter these details in the File Status/File Sent Excel sheet
    Check the Course website regularly for any updates. (Usually the syllabus is updated at least once.)

Assigning work
•    Once the tasks are created in the database and the files scanned, those tasks are ready to be assigned to the team members. This is done according to the syllabus.
•    There is a high probability that the student will request some additional material to be posted (even if it is not mentioned in the syllabus for that week). These tasks become high priority and posted as quickly as possible.

Correcting the edited files:
•    The edited files are to be corrected by a Senior Editor/Team Leader.  Once the correction is done the files are moved to the correction folder.

Posting the Material:
•    The corrected files are now ready to be posted.  All the material required should be posted at the very latest by the Friday of the prior week it is due to be used by the student.
•    Open the Student online database folder from the desktop shortcut.
•    Make the required folders in this directory according to the term and courses.
•    Copy the files from the Alternative Format Services server and paste them into the appropriate folder on the Student server.
•    Access the online student server from an internet browser to make sure that the posted files are accessible.
•    Update the File Status/File Sent Excel sheet.